ArcheoReal - Project of Historical Survivalism

ArcheoReal is Mos Maiorum's survivalims project of in-field experimentation of survival methods and tecniques in use by the ancient peoples.
The project moves from the assumption that what we today consider out of the ordinary, like living in the wild, for the ancient or prehistoric man was, with differences depending on the age, an ordinary condition.
For that reason the survival tecniques recover most of the ancient men's knowledge, gradually abandoned hand in hand with the evolution of social conditions and the progress of technology, which have relieved the individual from the primitive lifestyle.
The project's activity consists in spending a pre-defined amount of time in the wild, without any modern object or commodity and with little personal and group 'archeo-compliant' supply, exploiting the resources to be found within the experimentation ground (wood, food, leaves etc.) and making use of archaic tecniques for starting a fire, cooking meals, spending the night, providing defense and security and what not.
Every task is fulfilled with the help of the survivalism experts.
The scope of the project is to recover the knowledge and the mastery of the tecniques, the methods and the philosophy of survival is use in the antiquity through:
the practical experimentation: first-hand experience on the field in finding in nature and using at best everything useful, compelled by the urgency imposed by the primary needs, which lead the individual in the quest of viable solutions;
the method of living history: complete identification with the man of the antiquity, both from the phisical and experiential point of view; strict lack of modern objects or elements and use of archeo-compliant materials, clothes and tools;
full immersion in the nature: the wild exerts a strong suggestion and awakens an ancestral fear in the man unprepared to face it, but it is also a source of opportunities for those who know how to deal with it;
group-work: with the supervision of historical survivalism experts.