Legio Secvnda Consvlaris
Why the Republica era?
In the framework of the ancient Roman re-enactment world an interest in the imperial period definitely prevails, perhaps because it was a time of "greatness" for Rome, which reached its highest geographical and cultural expansion during this time, and because, as a direct consequence, there are much more archaeological evidences and historical documentation at disposal of the re-enactor as valuable resources.
However, Rome isn’t only its Empire, and more than a thousand years of Roman history, through which the evolution of its customs, politics, society and its army took place, cannot be traced purely within a timespan of a few hundred years, as long as the empire lasted, but indeed with reference to a greater span.
In fact, the empire had a 'before' - the Republic and the Monarchy - and even an 'after' - the eastern Empire.
Even though we’re interested in everything within that long history, we have chosen to focus on the Republican period because we think it the most authentic Roman World, the Italic Rome, and the moment of maximum excellence both of the institutions and the principles of the City.

Why the Second Legion
There is no specific reason why we chose the Legio Secvnda; except that at some point in the history of the Republic, both in time of peace or war, there certainly existed at least four legions, including a ‘Secvnda’ (a Second), which we know were identified with a number and a uniquely identifying symbol.
The historical period that we have chosen to represent, being more 'back in time’, is for that reason less rich in iconographic, archaeological and literary sources to refer to.
In other words, there are ‘fewer certainties’ available, and for that reason it is necessary to make use of interpretation, logic and common sense to fill the inevitable gaps in an historically accurate way, always strictly sticking to those few references that have come down to us intact.
It is an intellectual exercise of great value and satisfaction, in which practical experimentation plays a primary role.
In choosing the banner behind which to deploy our passion and our love for Rome and its history, we were fascinated by the idea of getting connected, through an imaginary thread that crosses the ages, with the real Legionaries of the Secvnda and silently listen to their voices from the mists of history, voices of people like us who have lived under our the same sky more than two thousand years ago.
If you join us you will be surprised to find out how many things we have in common with them and how wide their cultural heritage is.
Our Symbol: the Horse
Republican Rome had normally four legions (more were drafted if needed) entrusted to the two Consuls elected by the people; they were Rome's highest magistrate who remained in charge for one year sharing full power; they were assigned two legions each.
It is believed that these four legions (from Latin legio = draft, collect, gather) were identified by four different symbols (signa), perhaps connected to the ethnic or geographical origin of the legionnaires that made them up.
These symbols were the wolf, the boar, the horse and the bull.
The horse was perhaps the symbol of the Legion composed by ‘new citizens’, that is those from coloniae civium and civitates sine suffragio that - enjoying Roman citizenship - supposedly fought in the legions.
We decided to choose the horse as our symbol because we believe it best represents us as a group, even because of the different geographical origin of many of us; we’re in fact from Rome but also from other coloniae and civitates of Italy.
The symbol of our association, as it is depicted in our banner, has specifically been taken from an ancient Roman silver coin dated 230-226 BC.